I really should post more

I realized yesterday that I had been neglecting to post on my site for a while. It seems to be my pattern.

I will wrap up a project that has been monopolizing my time, update my reel nd such and when posting it online make a comment on what has been keeping me busy this last bit of time. Invariably, within a week or so I am back at work at somewhere new, diving into a new project that takes up all my time.

As someone who has been working as a freelance artist for the last 5 years this is actually quite nice. I ave managed to find myself in the position where my work, and I would hope personality, have allowed me to not have to seriously worry about where my next gig might be coming from, aside from the normal production cycle rollercoaster.

This post I decided would try to break that pattern.

I am currently keeping myself quite busy at my current project. Working with a great team of people on numerous television shows at once, which makes for some interesting variety of shots and deadlines.

I had a decent break before this gig started, a few weeks of decompression, and catching up on reading. Followed by an interesting interview process with ILM, that made me feel quite flattered that they were even looking at my work as something worth considering. It obviously didn’t pan out, but it let the door open for the future, and this is almost as good in the long term.

I’m about to head back east at the end of the week, for my annual that Thanksgiving week of catching up with family and friends. And then its back to work on my various projects.

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